Dexter's Adventures
Thank you to all of the families who have looked after Dexter for the weekend. Well done to the children for displaying our School Values!
Spring Term
14th March 25 - Isla (Snapdragon) - For perseverance and resilience within her writing.
28th February 25 - Joshua (Snowdrop) - For perseverance with making the right choices in class.
07th February 25 - Blake (Dandelion) - For perseverance with his reading and handwriting.
31st January 25 - Nancy (Sunflower) - For ambition in everything she does in class.
24th January 25 - Millie (Jasmine) - For perseverance and a positive attitude towards Maths.
17th January 25 - Eve (Blossom) - For showing our school value of perseverance with her task on the computer.
10th January 25 - Alfie (Snowdrop) - For perseverance in coming into school in the mornings after the 2 and a half week break over Christmas.
Autumn Term
13th December 24 - Penny (Snapdragon) - For perseverance as well as confidence in asking for adult support when neeeded.
6th December 24 - Molly (Jasmine) - For perseverance with her Maths work.
29th November 24 - Sammy (Sunflower) - For showing all of our school values but especially the value of perseverance in his Read, Write Inc lessons.
22nd November 24 - Hugo (Dandelion) - For perseverance with his Maths work.
15th November 24 - Heidi (Snowdrop) - For perseverance with her speech and language.
8th November 24 - Henri (Lavender) - For perseverance when things get a bit more challenging.
18th October 24 - Theo (Jasmine) - For respect as well as perseverance when things get a bit more challenging.
11th October 24 - Harvey (Dandelion) - For always showing respect to everyone in the school.
4th October 24 - Freya (Sunflower) - For perseverance during the first few weeks in Year 2 and adjusting to the new year group.
27th September 24 - Harry (Snapdragon) - For showing perseverance during a challenging time for him and his family.
20th September 24 - Ziah (Lavender) - For showing respect, especially when tidying and helping in the classroom.
13th September 24 - Luna (Snapdragon) - For persevering during the first full week back in school since the summer holidays.
Summer Term
21st June - Harry (Otter) - For persevering with his learning, especially phonics.
14th June - Theo (Squirrel) - For showing respect during his school trip to Southend.
17th May - Finley (Koala) - For showing perseverance with his learning.
10th May - Violet L (Panda) - For showing respect to everyone she meets.
26th April - Albert (Hedgehog) - For showing respect to everyone in the school community.
15th April - Everly (Kangaroo) - For persevering with her learning, trying her very best and completing lots of work over the school holidays.
Spring Term
15th March - Bailey (Gecko) - For showing respect to school visitors and ambition towards all areas of his learning.
8th March - Ralphie (Otter) - For showing respect on the school trip to Colchester Zoo.
29th February - Lottie (Panda) - For showing ambition and perseverance at the Level 2 Schools' gymnastics competition.
9th February 24 - Olivia (Hedgehog) - For showing ambition with her phonics learning.
2nd February 24 - Freddie N (Otter) - For showing ambition, particularly with his Religious Education Learning.
26th January 24 - Alfie W (Koala) - For showing respect to his friends.
19th January 24 - Emily P (Panda) - For persevering throughout the day.
12th January 24 - Theo W (Gecko) - For persevering and trying his very best during his first week at a new school.
Autumn Term
11th December 23 - Arthur (Otter) - For being an ambitious learner. Always trying his best.
4th December 23 - Ziah (Hedgehog) - For being respectful towards everyone in school.
27th November 23 - Erica (Gecko) - For showing ambition with all of her learning, adopting a positive attitude.
24th November 23 - Daisy (Kangaroo) - For continuing to push forward and persevering at all times.
17th November 23 - Ralphie (Koala) - For showing respect towards all of the adults and children in school.
10th November 23 - Sammy (Otter) - For showing perseverance with his reading.
3rd November 23 - Elsie (Panda) - For showing perseverance with her learning even when finding it a little tricky.
13th October 23 - Jada (Otter) - For persevering with her phonics learning.
6th October 23 - Toby (Squirrel) - For persevering (to keep going in spite of obstacles) when joining his new class a little later in the year.
29th September 23 - Lydia (Kangaroo) - For showing perseverance at the start of Year 2, using her wheelchair and crutches to access the learning environment.
18th September 23 - Alfie H (Nursery) - For persevering (to keep going in spite of obstacles) all week in a new learning space.
14th September 23 - Charlie C (Year 1, Gecko) - For showing ambition (a desire to achieve your best) in every subject all week, even though you are in a new environment. Well done!