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The Daily Mile

The aim of the Daily Mile is to improve the physical, social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing of our children – regardless of age, ability or personal circumstances.

Research has shown that The Daily Mile can even increase attainment in primary school, and parents have reported an increased interest in health and wellbeing from their children after they have started The Daily Mile (

At F&B we began our daily mile, and it was a huge success and launched with the support of Sporting Futures and our sports apprentice. However, our field was a little bumpy and some of us older teachers joining in had trouble getting around the bumpy field, with some of our younger children falling over.  We have therefore used our additional sports premium to support the installation of our daily mile track installed in January 2018.

Our Daily Mile Track

We love our daily mile. We have themed miles too like 'buggies only' or 'over 50's....... it's fantastic!

Daily Mile invitation to parents