Need To Know Info
The School Day
- Morning: 8.45am -11.45am
- Afternoon: 12.15 midday - 3.15pm
- Pupils can attend 15 or up to 30 hours per week.
- Gates open at 8.25am ready for class teachers to welcome pupils into the classroom from 8.35am.
Main School (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2)
- Morning: 8.45am - 12.00 midday
- Afternoon: 1.00pm - 3.15pm
- Gates open at 8.25am ready for class teachers to welcome pupils into the classroom from 8.35am.
- (32.5 learning hours)
Arrival At School
If your child is late, please bring them to the school office to be marked in the register, and sign the 'late book'. Registers & doors close at 8.45 a.m. after which your child will be marked late.
We send an annual absence report to the DfE, and to keep our registers accurately, require written explanations for any absence from school. We have to register an absence as unauthorised if no explanation is received. We similarly have to register unexplained lateness as unauthorised. We ask if you are able to share evidence with the school so that the school is fully informed.
If your child is unwell with vomiting or diarrhoea, the NHS guidance which the school follows is that children can return to school 48hrs after the last bout of vomiting/diarrhoea. If you are unsure when your child can return to school, please call the school office to confirm.
For guidance about whether your child can attend school with a certain illness, please CLICK HERE for the NHS guidelines.
Lunchtime Arrangements
We have a slightly staggered lunch break from 11.30-1.00pm. Reception children have their lunch from 11.30am to 12.30pm and Year 1 / 2 children have theirs from 12 mid-day until 1pm. All children are entitled to a universal free school meal and we can offer them a school packed lunch. Packed lunches can also be provided from home.
School Dinners
Hertfordshire Catering provide our school lunches which are cooked in the school kitchen. We operate the Pupil Choice system so that there is a choice of a meat/fish meal (red), a vegetarian meal (green), school packed lunch (yellow) and Jacket potato (Blue). All our children in Years R, 1 and 2 are entitled to a free meal. Parents/Carers choose the meal with their child each day and the children inform the teacher of their choice. The menus run on a three weekly cycle and are displayed on the wall in the canteen and often on the classroom doors or windows. Please also see the link to the menus above.
Packed Lunches
Packed lunches can be provided from home. We ask that you follow our healthy eating guidelines when choosing what to include.
Milk can be provided for your child if you require it. You will receive an email from the office when it is time to order, and it should be paid for via Arbor.
Medical Appointments
If your child has a medical appointment please let us know. When you come to collect your child please report to the office, and we will collect him/her from the classroom. Upon their return please return to the school office and the child will be taken back to their class group. We will require proof of your medical appointment for the absence to be authorised.
School Uniform
It is important to remember to dress your child in clothes that he/she can dress and undress in easily and shoes that they can fasten independently. Children are required to wear school uniform as follows:
White or blue polo shirts, blouses or shirts are expected (Logo optional)
Royal blue jumpers/sweatshirts/cardigans are expected with logo
Grey trousers, shorts, skirts, pinafore dresses or black jogging bottoms are expected
Dresses in blue check (April through to October half-term only) worn with white socks are expected
White or grey socks or grey tights are expected (only if your child can manage tights independently please).
School shoes or plain black soft trainer shoes are expected
White or blue polo shirts, blouses or shirts are expected (Logo optional)
Royal blue jumpers/sweatshirts/cardigans are expected with logo
Grey trousers, shorts, skirts, pinafore dresses or black jogging bottoms are expected (no culotte style skirts or dresses please)
Dresses in blue check (April through to October half-term only) worn with white socks are expected
White or grey socks or grey tights are expected
School shoes or plain black soft trainer shoes are expected
White or blue polo shirts, blouses or shirts are expected (Logo optional)
Royal blue jumpers/sweatshirts/cardigans are expected with logo
Grey trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafore dresses are expected (no culotte style skirts or dresses please)
Dresses in blue check (April through to October half-term only) worn with white socks are expected
White or grey socks or grey tights are expected
School shoes or plain black soft trainer shoes are expected
All year groups for P.E. (including Nursery and Reception)
Sky blue T-shirts Navy or black shorts or plain black jogging bottoms (in colder months) are expected
Plimsolls for outdoor P.E. are expected
The PE kit should be kept in a short drawstring bag on the child's coat peg. Please ensure that all clothing and footwear are clearly named.
Purchasing School Uniform
All items can be purchased either from the suppliers listed below or more widely, including from second hand retailers. Although items can be purchased bearing the school logo, non-branded items are also acceptable.
School cardigans, sweatshirts and polo shirts bearing the school logo and PE T-shirts may be purchased from the following suppliers:
Top Form Schoolwear, 90/91 The Stow, Harlow, Essex CM20 3AP Tel: 01279 434813 email:
The collection of children during or at the end of the school day.
Can I remind you that we are not able to hand over children to an adult different from the one who normally collects them unless we have received a note or message, (by telephone or given in person by their parent). This is for your child's protection.
Please collect your child promptly from school and leave the premises promptly. The playground equipment and facilities are not for use by the children or their siblings after the end of the school day and the school cannot accept any liability or responsibility for any accidents that may occur after the end of the school day. The school gates will be locked at 3.20pm due to the after school club registration.
Healthy School
As a healthy school, our policy in line with government guidelines runs until 6pm. Please therefore DO NOT give your child sweets, crisps, chocolates or other snack items inside our playground after school. Any food outside our healthy eating policy you wish to give them should be done outside the school gates.
If we experience severe weather conditions this winter causing the school to be closed you will receive an In-App Arbor message as early as possible in the morning (if you have given the office your up-to-date details) of the decision to close. Additionally, the information for all schools will be linked to the home page of Under the 'Severe Weather page'.