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National Awards

Our Early Years was awarded the Montessori Accreditation.  This is a huge achievement for any state funded school, and we are particularly proud of this.  You can read our full report on our Montessori page.

Inclusion Quality Mark: Centre of Excellence


We are delighted that our Early Years has been recognised for being a quality provision providing excellent education for all our children

RE Quality Mark 

We are proud to have achieved the REQM Bronze Award. The assessor noted that 'RE has been an area of development for the last year, with a focus on making lessons more engaging and celebrating diversity. This has clearly had a positive effect on the wider school community. There are newly forged links with the local church, a recent Hindu visitor and pupils are encouraged to talk about their own cultural and religious backgrounds. Feedback from pupils and parents shows that the subject is valued and that RE conversations continue at home too. The subject leader has led staff training and a parental workshop on the new Agreed Syllabus and the worldviews approach to RE. Pupils are encouraged to think like theologians and philosophers and their RE journey culminates in a ‘Big Questions’ unit at the end of Year 2, where pupils explore their own worldviews'.                                                                                                        


Music Mark Member

Congratulations on becoming a Music Mark Schools Member!

We would firstly like to thank you for all the hard work you and your colleagues do to ensure that pupils at your school are able to access and engage with a high-quality music education. Your dedication to offering and delivering a broad and balanced curriculum is both welcomed and celebrated.

You have been nominated, and supported financially by Devon Music Service. They have recognised the value that you place on music and requested that you become a Music Mark School Member.

Beyond Healthy Mark

The International School Award rewards schools that have shown a commitment to embedding international awareness and understanding within our school practise and curriculum.  We have a clear international dimension to our curriculum, promoting global citizenship and an appreciation of cultural diversity. 

Beyond Healthy Mark

We have achieved our Modeshift Silver Award for our active travel to school

Sun Safe School

After all the interesting learning the children have work on culminating in a whole school assembly and in class activities, we have now been awarded the title of 'Sun Safe School'. We all know the dangers of UV rays, and we're keen to protect your children's skin as much as possible. Please help us by using the SUNSMART app we brought to your attention in previous newsletter and send your child to school with sunscreen applied, a sun hat or cap and a full bottle of water on hot and sunny days. With these measures in places, we can all safely enjoy the nice weather (when it finally arrives)!


Healthy Schools Status

Eco Silver Award